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KIS Reignwood Park welcomes children aged 3 to 14 from Early Years 1 through to Grade 9, and will then gradually grow adding a grade level each year.

Though children usually join at the start of the academic year in August, we have rolling admissions throughout the year as long as space is available.


We also offer Academic Scholarships for students entering KIS Reignwood Park in Grade 6, 7, 8 and 9 in August 2024. Academic Scholarship Awards are up to 30% off Tuition Fees. Please click below for further information:


Please use our Grade Checker to see when your child can start at KIS Reignwood Park or which grade they would be eligible for on the button below.


Admissions Process

Our friendly and experienced admissions team is on hand to support you throughout the admissions process below:

Step 1: Apply Online

Apply for a place for your child at KIS Reignwood Park by completing the online application form on the button below.
The following documents must be uploaded with your online application:

  1. Child's Passport
  2. Child's Birth Certificate
  3. Parent/Guardian 1 - Passport
  4. Parent/Guardian 2 - Passport
  5. Last End of Academic Year Full School Report (if available)
  6. Previous End of Academic Year Full School Report (if available)


Step 2: Play Session or Assessment

Children applying for Early Years will be asked to join a play session, for applications to Grade 1 and above a short assessment and interview with either our admissions team or leadership team is required. This is a chance for us to get to know your child better and ensure our school will allow them to reach their full potential.

For families currently overseas and looking for day or boarding places, our admissions team will contact you to discuss this part of the process to ensure it is as simple as possible when applying from abroad.

Step 3: Offers & Acceptance

Following our play session or assessment, if we believe KIS Reignwood Park would be a great fit to allow your child to flourish then a formal offer will be made. To accept your place parents must sign a letter of acceptance and make payment of our school's registration and development fees. 

Step 4: KIS Family Orientation Day

New families confirmed to join us are invited to school where they meet with their School Principal, and get to know their way around their new campus and classroom in readiness for their start at KIS Reignwood Park.

Step 5: First Day at KIS Reignwood Park

On your child’s first day at school, we are all on hand to ensure a smooth transition and an exciting start to your time at KIS Reignwood Park. Early in Term 1, we host information and parent evenings for each of our grades, giving you an update on how your child has settled and the plans and goals for the coming term.

Learn More about our Founding Families Appreciation Package

We are delighted to extend our warmest invitation to you and your family to become part of our founding legacy at KIS Reignwood Park.

Unlock a world of exclusive benefits with our Founding Families Appreciation Package below.

Download Information Booklet